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Add User to Active Directory Group

In this guide, you will learn how to add or remove a user to an Active Directory group with the AD Pro Toolkit.

How to Add a User to Groups

  1. On the “User Management” page search for the user account you want to modify.

  2. Select the account and click “Add to Gruops”.

    add user to group

  3. To add a user to a group search for the group and select each group you want to add the user to. In this example, I selected Accounting_1 and Accounting_2. Click “OK” to add the user to the selected groups.

    select groups

    You can view the “Group Membership” box for the selected account to verify the groups.

    view user group membership

Remove Users from a Group

To remove a user from a group follow the steps above and click “Remove” on any group. For example, if I wanted to remove a user from the HR_local group I would select “Remove” for that group.

remove user from group