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Windows Firewall Settings

The following tools from the AD Pro Toolkit require WMI to be allowed inbound.

  • Windows Uptime
  • Local Admins Report
  • Local Certificates Report
  • Service Account Management Tool

Firewall GPO Settings

You can use group policy to push these settings out to all computers.

Here are screenshots of the firewall settings.

rule type

predefined rules


Click Finish.

You can verify WMI is allowed by using PowerShell.

Use the following command to test the WMI connection from your local computer (that has the AD Pro Toolkit installed) to the remote computer. Replace PC2 with the remote computer hostname.

Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT \* FROM Win32_OperatingSystem" -ComputerName PC2

If the connection is successful you will get a message like below.

test wmi

If WMI is being blocked you will get a message like below.

test wmi 2