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Troubleshooting the AD Pro Toolkit

This page contains a list of various issues and solutions you may have while using the AD Pro Toolkit.

  1. Unable to Connect – The RPC server is unavailable (HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
  2. Unable to Connect – The RPC server is unavailable.
  3. Unable to Connect – Access is denied.
  4. License Activation Issue
  5. Uninstall or upgrade issue
  6. Bulk User Update Tool - The given key was not present in the dictionary

1. Unable to Connect – The RPC server is unavailable (HRESULT: 0x800706BA)


Unable to Connect – The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)


This is typically a firewall issue. Verify the following firewall rules are enabled inbound on the target computer.

audit log

2. Unable to Connect – The RPC server is unavailable.


Unable to Connect – The RPC server is unavailable


The computer is offline or unreachable. Verify the computer is online and can be reached by your computer.

3. Unable to Connect – Access is denied


Unable to Connect – Access is denied.


This error can occur due to the following.

  1. The computer has lost its trust relationship with Active Directory
  2. You do not have administrator rights
  3. Run as administrator (UAC) – If you are logged into the computer as a regular user you might need to right click on the toolkit and select run as administrator.

4. License Activation issue


license error


This is typically due to a corrupted license file.

Try the following:

  1. Close the app
  2. Delete the “license.dat” file from this folder C:\ProgramData\ActiveDirectoryPro\AD Pro Toolkit
  3. Try to activate again.

If the above steps does not resolve the issue contact support for a new license file.

5. Uninstall or upgrade issue

If you are unable to uninstall or upgrade, follow these steps.

  1. Download the Microsoft Troubleshooter Tool. This tool will uninstall programs that have an issue.

    Mcrosoft Troubleshooter Tool

  2. Make sure these folders are deleted

    • C:\Program Files\ActiveDirectoryPro
    • C:\ProgramData\ActiveDirectoryPro
  3. Make sure the AD Toolkit Windows service is deleted, if not open the command prompt and run the following command.

    sc delete ADToolkitService

You should now be able to install the latest version.

6. Bulk User Update Tool - The given key was not present in the dictionary


bulk udpate error


One of the following attributes must be present in the CSV template and will be used to identify the accounts to update.

  • sAMAccountName (default)
  • EmployeeID
  • EmployeeNumber
  • UserPrincipalName
  • mail

For example, in the csv below I’m using the sAMAccountName column to identify the accounts to update.

bulk-update-error cssv file

If you want to use EmployeeID, EmployeeNumber, UserPrincipalName or mail as the ID column then you must select it from the update options.

bulk-update-error options