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Export a list of AD Users to CSV file

In this guide, you will learn how to export Active Directory users to a CSV file.

Step 1. Click on Export Users

From the “User Management” page click on “Export Users”.

select export users tool

Step 2. Select the users to export

  1. Click run to get all users
  2. Click browse to select an OU or group.

In this example, I clicked “Browse” and selected a DEMO OU.

select users to export

Step 3. Select Columns

If you want to change the default list of attributes click the “Columns” button. You can then add/remove user attributes to the list.

select user columns

Step 4. Click Run and export

Click “Run” to preview the export.

preview the export

To export the list to csv click the export button.

click export

Advanced Exports

The AD Pro Toolkit includes advanced filters so you can find and export specific accounts. You can click on any column to filter the values for the column.

For example, to export all disabled accounts you can filter the status column for “disabled”.

advanced export

To build a filter with multiple conditions select the filter editor.